Is it Safe to Run Blocking Calls in OS Executor when using Virtual Threads?
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Is it Safe to Run Blocking Calls in OS Executor when using Virtual Threads?

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As a developer, you’re probably familiar with the concept of concurrency and parallelism in programming. With the advent of virtual threads in Java, it’s become easier to write concurrent programs that can take advantage of multiple CPU cores. However, a question often arises: is it safe to run blocking calls in an OS executor when using virtual threads? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of concurrency and explore the answer to this question.

What are Virtual Threads?

Virtual threads, introduced in Java 19, are a new way to write concurrent programs. They’re designed to be lightweight, efficient, and easy to use. Unlike traditional threads, which are managed by the operating system, virtual threads are managed by the Java runtime. This allows for better performance, scalability, and resource utilization.

Virtual threads are ideal for I/O-bound operations, such as network requests or database queries, where the thread spends most of its time waiting for external resources. By using virtual threads, you can write concurrent programs that are more efficient and scalable than traditional threads.

What is an OS Executor?

An OS executor is a thread pool that’s managed by the operating system. It’s used to execute tasks, such as Runnable or Callable instances, in parallel. When you submit a task to an OS executor, it’s executed by a thread from the pool. The OS executor is responsible for managing the thread lifecycle, including thread creation, scheduling, and termination.

OS executors are often used for CPU-bound operations, such as complex computations or data processing. By using an OS executor, you can take advantage of multiple CPU cores and improve the performance of your program.

Running Blocking Calls in an OS Executor

Now, let’s get to the question at hand: is it safe to run blocking calls in an OS executor when using virtual threads? The short answer is no, it’s not recommended. But why?

When you run a blocking call in an OS executor, you’re essentially blocking a thread from the pool. This can lead to thread starvation, where threads are stuck waiting for resources, and the program’s performance suffers. In the worst-case scenario, it can even lead to a deadlock.

Virtual threads, on the other hand, are designed to be non-blocking. When a virtual thread encounters a blocking call, it yields control to another virtual thread, allowing the program to continue executing without blocking. This is known as cooperative scheduling.

Why Blocking Calls are Bad for Virtual Threads

Blocking calls can have a devastating impact on virtual threads. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Thread starvation**: When a virtual thread blocks, it can lead to thread starvation, where threads are stuck waiting for resources. This can cause the program to slow down or even deadlock.
  • Resource waste**: When a virtual thread blocks, it wastes resources, such as memory and CPU cycles. This can lead to performance degradation and increased latency.
  • Loss of concurrency**: Blocking calls can reduce the concurrency of your program, making it less scalable and less efficient.

Alternatives to Blocking Calls

So, what can you do instead of running blocking calls in an OS executor? Here are a few alternatives:

Asynchronous I/O

Use asynchronous I/O operations, such as Java’s CompletableFuture or reactive libraries like Reactive Java or Spring WebFlux. These libraries allow you to write non-blocking code that’s more efficient and scalable.

CompletableFuture<String> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    // Perform I/O operation
    return "Result";

future.thenAccept(result -> {
    // Process result

Non-Blocking Algorithms

Design algorithms that are non-blocking and use callbacks or event-driven programming. This allows you to write code that’s more efficient and scalable.

public interface Callback {
    void onSuccess_Result(String result);
    void onFailure_Throwable(Throwable t);

public void performOperation(Callback callback) {
    // Perform operation
    if (success) {
    } else {
        callback.onFailure_Throwable(new Exception("Error"));

Java’s Built-in Concurrency Utilities

Use Java’s built-in concurrency utilities, such as ExecutorService or ForkJoinPool, to execute tasks in parallel. These utilities provide a high-level abstraction over thread management and allow you to write concurrent programs that are more efficient and scalable.

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

executor.submit(() -> {
    // Perform task


Best Practices for Virtual Threads

When using virtual threads, follow these best practices to ensure your program is efficient and scalable:

Keep Virtual Threads Light

Keep virtual threads lightweight by minimizing the amount of work done in each thread. This allows the program to switch between threads quickly and efficiently.

Avoid Blocking Calls

Avoid blocking calls in virtual threads, as they can lead to thread starvation and resource waste. Instead, use asynchronous I/O operations or non-blocking algorithms.

Use Thread-Local Variables Wisely

Use thread-local variables wisely, as they can lead to memory leaks and resource waste. Instead, use scoped variables or dependency injection to manage resources.

Profile and Optimize

Profile your program regularly and optimize it for performance and scalability. Use tools like Java Mission Control or VisualVM to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly.

Best Practice Description
Keep virtual threads light Minimize the amount of work done in each thread
Avoid blocking calls Use asynchronous I/O operations or non-blocking algorithms
Use thread-local variables wisely Use scoped variables or dependency injection to manage resources
Profile and optimize Use profiling tools to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly


In conclusion, it’s not recommended to run blocking calls in an OS executor when using virtual threads. Instead, use asynchronous I/O operations, non-blocking algorithms, or Java’s built-in concurrency utilities to write efficient and scalable programs. By following best practices for virtual threads, you can take advantage of the benefits of concurrency and parallelism in your Java programs.

Remember, virtual threads are designed to be lightweight and efficient, so keep them light, avoid blocking calls, and profile and optimize your program regularly. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to writing high-performance concurrent programs that take advantage of the power of virtual threads.

So, the next time you’re faced with the question “Is it safe to run blocking calls in an OS executor when using virtual threads?”, you’ll know the answer: no, it’s not recommended. Instead, use the alternatives and best practices outlined in this article to write efficient and scalable concurrent programs.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on running blocking calls in the OS executor when using virtual threads!

Is it safe to run blocking calls in the OS executor when using virtual threads?

The short answer is yes, it is safe to run blocking calls in the OS executor when using virtual threads. Virtual threads are designed to handle blocking calls efficiently, and the OS executor is specifically optimized for this purpose. However, it’s essential to ensure that the blocking call is wrapped in a try-with-resources statement to ensure timely thread release and prevent resource leaks.

What happens if I don’t use the OS executor with virtual threads?

If you don’t use the OS executor with virtual threads, your application may experience performance issues or even deadlocks. This is because virtual threads are lightweight and can cause the underlying thread pool to grow unbounded, leading to resource exhaustion. By using the OS executor, you ensure that blocking calls are handled efficiently, and your application remains responsive.

Can I use the ForkJoinPool with virtual threads for blocking calls?

While you can use the ForkJoinPool with virtual threads, it’s not the most efficient choice for blocking calls. The ForkJoinPool is designed for computational tasks, not I/O-bound operations. Using the OS executor with virtual threads is a better approach, as it’s optimized for blocking calls and provides better performance and resource utilization.

How do I configure the OS executor for optimal performance with virtual threads?

To configure the OS executor for optimal performance with virtual threads, you can use the `Executor` API to create a custom executor with the desired configuration. You can specify the thread pool size, thread factory, and queueing strategy to match your application’s requirements. Additionally, you can use the `Thread.ofVirtual()` method to create virtual threads that are optimized for blocking calls.

Are there any gotchas or limitations when using the OS executor with virtual threads?

One important gotcha to keep in mind is that the OS executor may not be available on all platforms or in all environments. Additionally, some legacy libraries or frameworks may not be compatible with virtual threads, which can lead to issues when using the OS executor. Be sure to test your application thoroughly and consult the official documentation for any specific requirements or limitations.

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